A Practice Member Experience: Life changing results!

When practice member X first came in for a consultation, she told me she had daily headaches, low energy, anxiety, and constant tension in her shoulders. She had a spot right by her left shoulder blade that always bothered her, along with pain in the knee that kept her from running and her daily exercise. 

She planned to run a half marathon with her sister later in the year and didn't think she would be able to do it because anything over a couple of miles at this point was bothering her knee.

She also wanted to move on from her job and dreamed of starting her own health coaching business. Still, she hardly had enough energy to put on a smile for her husband at the end of a long day, much less the energy or concentration to put into such an important but BIG undertaking as following her calling into a new career.   

We discussed everything that she had going on, the physical, chemical, and emotional stressors that might have contributed, and the exams that I recommended based on what we discussed.  

We wanted to get an in-depth understanding of what was going on in her nervous system, so we did three scans.

In the first scan, (which looks at the muscle control part of the nervous system), we saw the spinal muscles in her neck were all over firing severely, and almost all the spinal muscles on the right side were overfiring, especially on the right when compared to the left. 

In the second scan, we saw that the nerves in her lower neck were challenged, which may explain the occasional tingling in her fingers, as well as sluggish thyroid and fatigue.  

In the third scan, we saw her nervous system had a decreased capacity to adapt to stress. She was basically stuck in fight or flight mode. 

When we had her stand with each foot on a different scale, we saw that even though she felt like she was standing straight upright (Her brain thought she was balanced), there was a 13-pound difference between the right and the left scale, meaning there was a disconnect to the signals getting back up to her brain from her body. 

Her x-rays showed that her head had shifted forward, the healthy curve in her neck head flattened and was actually reversed in the opposite direction. Plus, one hip bone was higher than the other leading to an S curve in her back.

After being in our care, she began to see improvement almost immediately! 

Once in care, she started sleeping better, and within a couple of weeks, she stopped drinking coffee and had more energy! She began to notice that she was "self-regulating her emotions" after just a few weeks. The tension in her shoulders started to melt away, and her daily headaches were gone completely. Sometimes she said when she was under a lot of pressure at work, it would begin to come back, but then she was just able to catch it, take a breath and "reset "when before our care, she would've just tuned it out and pushed on.

She started running again, which naturally gave her more energy, and she also naturally stopped craving sugar and was more naturally drawn to healthy food. She lost close to 20 pounds without even trying.  

Since she was no longer taking pain relievers like Aleve for headaches, she had less stomach upset and felt much better about not taking painkillers and risking their long-term side effects. 

She came to recognize Chiropractic as an essential part of her healthy lifestyle. Two years later, she still looks forward to her weekly visits because she always feels calmer and more focused afterward. 

Since then, Practice member X has had her kids and husband start care with us as well. After being in our care, they are sick less often, have fewer issues with ADHD, and her husband doesn't complain about his aches and pains anymore. She even started her own business and is now helping others live their best lives! 


Constant Feeling of Inner Tension?

