Hi Friend,
I have a big question for you…
How is it that you know you are healthy?
…Is it the way you look?
The way you feel?…
The way you look:
Have you ever known or heard about someone who died unexpectedly? How many times have you heard it? They say, “I just saw him the other day, and he…”
That’s right, they say “…he looked great.” It’s always a shocker.
How you feel:
It’s heart health month, so this one is relevant. Do you know the number one symptom of a heart attack for men?
Chest pain? No. Tingling in your arm? No. Shortness of breath? Not that either.
Sadly the number one “symptom” of a heart attack is death.
According to the CDC, half of men who die suddenly of coronary heart disease had no previous symptoms. Knowing that, if you had heart disease, how soon would you want to know?
You would want to know NOW!
And I think most of us can agree that we wouldn’t consider ourselves healthier if we were taking more prescriptions.
The Source of Health
So how do you know you are healthy?
Well, the first step is to understand where health comes from.
The simple answer is, health comes from inside you.
And here is something they’re not telling you on the tv ads…
You have an extraordinary source of health inside you. You have an amazing ability to heal, be healthy, and thrive. It’s all right there.
The Body-Brain Connection
When something is wrong, your body communicates that information back to your brain. Then, your brain sends signals to your body for how to best respond. This amazing intricate process is happening all the time when you’re not even thinking about it.
“So then why am I not healthy?” – you ask.
Well, the issue arises when there is interference in the signals between your body and your brain.
A lot of people don’t realize that when those signals go from your body to your brain they all travel through your spine. Then, there are specific, predictable levels of the spine where nerves for each organ exit. For example, the nerve that exits the spine at the “T2″ vertebra controls the heart and coronary arteries. (Check out the image.)
The Glitchy Connection
Distortions in the spine caused by physical, chemical, and emotional stressors create interference in the nerve flow, which impacts to the functions of the body. These disturbances are called Vertebral Subluxations, and are at the root of much of the sickness and disease out there.
Suddenly, the health of your nervous system feels very important, doesn’t it? Knowing what you now know, if there was a problem in your nervous system, how soon would you want to know?
You would want to know NOW!
You’ve probably had your blood levels checked, blood pressure, you’ve had your teeth checked to make sure they were healthy. When was the last time you had your nervous system checked? Unfortunately for most people, the answer to that question is “never.”
It’s our mission to change that.
Knowledge is Power
We use a special technology that allows a window into the health of your spine and nervous system. It does so by measuring subtle muscular, heat, and heart rate fluctuations so we can see areas where your muscles, organs, glands, blood vessels, and stress response may be compromised.
Then we can show you where the disconnects are, and make recommendations based on those findings.
Call our office today and ask for a Neuro-spinal Assessment, or schedule a free pre-consultation on our website.
Get Started today
Interested in learning more about your nervous system and how to optimize your health with a clear inner connection? Register for the next dinner workshop. You’ll also get real life examples of these advanced scans, and to mix with others interested in health..
Click the link below for upcoming dates.
Dr. Lara Hill is a health expert, speaker, and chiropractor in Duluth, MN, helping adults and kids of all ages live their best and healthiest life.