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Make A Difference to Children

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It’s National Make a Difference to Children Month, and this is a topic that’s very near and dear to my heart because a lot of people don’t realize it, but chiropractic care from day one is one of the greatest gifts that you can give a child for a healthy, happy, and aligned life.

The reason most people don’t understand this is that there is a prevalent misconception (which many chiropractors themselves help perpetuate) that chiropractic care is for pain relief. The key to understanding why Chiropractic care it’s so important for kids, as well as healthy adults, is that regular chiropractic care gives you a healthier nervous system, and healthier nervous system means that every part of the body that those nerves go to (which is all of it!) functions better, whether you’re a kid or a grown-up. Organs function better, their brain is healthier, and so is their mental wellness.

Throughout my time as a chiropractor, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many people who have been in chiropractic care since they were kids. I’ve met babies and children who were raised with a Chiropractic lifestyle and you can tell. They seem more aware, more present, and certainly healthier. I’ve heard from many chiropractors that since their kids never had sick days, every once in a while they would give them a “wellness day”, likewise parents of chiro kids in our office have shared that their children get sick rarely and get better faster when they do.

I’ve also had the opportunity to meet adults who were raised in a chiropractic lifestyle since they were kids. And you can tell. There is something really special about someone who has had a fully turned-on and aligned nerve system their entire life.

One of the greatest gifts you can give any child is the health of their nervous system. While chiropractic care can also help with a whole range of childhood afflictions such as ADHD, dyslexia, autism, and colic, One of the most important things chiropractic care will ever do is to keep a loss of health from ever happening.

If you want to learn more about how Chiropractic care can help the child in your life to live better, schedule or call us for a free pre-consultation today.


Dr. Lara is a holistic chiropractor in Duluth, MN. Her gentle approach and her educational opportunities are designed as a way to a better life.