In Part 1 we discussed The Triad of Change, and touched on how the triad shows up in both your body and your life. In the workshop we go more into the lifestyle component of the topic, and how to assess your working “Triad.” But many of you are curious how this relates to what we are doing day-to-day in the office, and how this sets me, Dr. Lara, apart from other chiropractors.
The Triad of Change: perception, structure, and behavior
Perception: The way you feel. When you feel a change in your body, as a wellness-oriented chiropractor, I don’t just want to know if it is a symptom going away. I love hearing things like “I have more energy”, “I’m more present in my meditations”, and “I’m able to better sense what my body needs to be healthy.” These are common responses in our office (as well as symptoms going away).
Structure: Did you know the shape of your body actually impacts your experience of the world?? (See this famous TED Talk). Computerized posture analysis and x-rays let us see structural distortions in your neuro-spinal system. They also let us see when posture opens up, and your curves naturally find a more ideal alignment.
Behavior: This is one that is lacking in many (or most) chiropractic offices. Are we able to assess when the behavior of your nervous system changes? Multiple neurological scans give me an insight into the behavior of your nervous system from a number of different angles (organ and glands, muscles, stress response). Now we can look at not just the biomechanics, but the FUNCTION of your body as it relates to your health.
While a lot of conventional practitioners are mostly measuring symptoms (How do you feel?), we are measuring multiple factors of change in our office. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a monster, I care how you feel, but when a symptom goes away, and that is all you were measuring, how can you ever make a bigger impact than that? I know that the people who show up in my office really want to get to the root cause (of health!) You want your body to learn how to reorganize and self-regulate better. When it does, you know you can have longer, more sustainable, more transformative and empowering change.
Get Started today
Ask about the Triad of Change workshop. Understanding this interesting approach to the ways that your body and life intersect is a cool way of approaching life from a whole new perspective. And, if you want to find out if this different, holistic chiropractic care and our office if the right fit for you, call and schedule a complimentary discover consult today. Or schedule right here at
Dr. Lara Hill is a holistic chiropractor, focused on optimizing your capacity for healing from the inside out with gentle chiropractic care, serving Duluth, MN, Superior, WI, and all the Twin Ports surrounding area into northern MN and WI.